Sunday 26 February 2017

Cintiq Arrival!

OMG it finally arrived, i've been waiting for ever for this and now, i have one, nothing will stop me now MWAHAHAHAH.

Now, its late at night, tomorrow i have class. thank goodness...

oh yeah, i bought a Wacom Cintiq 22hd touch for those who want to know the exact thing i bought :3

Saturday 25 February 2017

Talking Stuff. Bleugh.

 So i have (am, still, kinda) been quite ill for about a week, i think i might of gotten a flu or something, i dunno, i typed my illnesses into Dr. Internet and he says i have anything from brain cancer to the common cold, so... if im gone for a year then im probably dead.

 Anyway, heres some of the stuff i drew when i felt a little better, mostly just Fanart of PiyoTycho. I love their art style, how it feels really graphic, and the colours/shading are wonderful. But yeah, when im ill i tend to just do fanarts/Redraws of other peoples works, (it's way easier to copy someone else LOL)

                                                              (oh yeah, this one is mine ^ )

BTW: i start back at college on Monday (Finally!) just my luck to be ill on first day back :'D for those who want to have a look at their work.

Friday 17 February 2017

Sasha, The Maiden.

here is a sketch of a character, (i had trouble finding references for cool dresses, so i just stuck to the usual) i did this while i had the power out. i got my timetable for this semester, its a pretty relaxed schedule, two full days a week. it feels like the more time i spend at this school the more relaxed it gets...

Thursday 16 February 2017

Clariel, Researcher of Maginamics.

So in keeping with the theme of GW2, I did a quick sketch of my friends character, which is asuran, i just drew her as a humanoid instead.

(im doing GW2 stuff because i love the armour and characters so its good to learn how to draw armour and weapons etc)

Oh yeah i have stopped doing the daily gestures for awhile, busy getting other stuff done instead, but i should be able to start doing them shortly.

Monday 13 February 2017

Sammy Bloom.

so today I've done a crap tonne, mainly cleaning up my room because it was a total mess (Thought i was gonna move out but turns out im not yippee! ) i really really wanted to do some watercolouring but it seems that i have lost my watercolours somehow :'( so instead i just did a few lineworks of my GW2 Character Sammy Bloom. She's a Necromancer that summons undead and uses them to transmit diseases onto bad people. (i like to call, the Aids Army)

I did one without clothes and her mushroom hat to get anatomy down right, then the next with armour and stuff. Since i wanna do game character art i need to practice drawing poses,weapons, fancy armour etc etc

im hoping to go to Auckland at somepoint and get myself a new tablet and some watercolours, so expect some of that goodness to come :'D


Thursday 9 February 2017

Annah, Colour/Cleanup Talk

I've spent all day doing an illustration of a character, i never really do complete illustrations, something that needs to change, (Mainly because it takes me a long time to colour/lineart) the only way i know to colour, is to do the light source then shadows/highlights, then put through a blur, im really wanting to know how to colour and do linework sketchy. i really like the work of Piyotycho and want to get my stuff to look a bit more like that. (sorry i have no idea how else to explain it).

(i get really annoyed how every time i type Colour google says i spelt it wrong. too lazy to add to dictionary hahah )

Wednesday 8 February 2017

New Style And Chicks

So I saw a new artist and though "WOW i love this style, ima Try something like it" and it instantly clicked with me, everything is so angular and stylized its so cool! 

Tuesday 7 February 2017

Daily Gestures 4

 So i forgot that yesterday was Monday, also my mums birthday too so o guess it couldnt be helped. getting back into the groove of things, So here we go, Some gestures,

Friday 3 February 2017

Human Anatomy.

Here's something different. I'm having a bit of a funk recently so i decided to just study anatomy. i mean, its kind of fun, you get to look at nudes and stuff, but i think when im struggling with art, its because i have no idea of actual anatomy, nothing in that "visual library". this is something i want to do a lot more of.

Since what i want to do for a job requires a lot of anatomy knowledge (Walk cycles, jump cycles etc) i need to know as much as i can and be able to draw anatomy. I have about 24 days left until my first day at school, so i am going to make sure to be prepared :D


Daily Gestures 03

 So, I'm going back to college in about 24 days, and, honestly i can't wait. i love drawing and being at school it makes me work to get really good drawings. There was one problem that i did face last year, and that was people thinking i was copying them.

 Now, when i say copy, i wasn't plagiarizing them, i was drawing in their style, to see how they draw and adapt it to mine to get better.Say, for instance, i drew only realistic stuff, and someone else drew really cartoony, but the way they paint hair was interesting, i would try to draw in that style. I find it funny because it wasn't even for school! it was personal. its the same as when you look online for an artist who's work you like, and copy it to learn. its the same principal. But i got told shit like "Draw your own stuff, It's not your style" The audacity of people! just because i draw something different from what i would normally do, doesn't mean that you have to stick to that one style or way of drawing!

 People really do piss me off sometimes, but to be fair, there was quite a few people in my class, they HATED it when people would even look at their work. They hated the teachers because one would walk around the class once, and you would HAVE to ask them for help, then we had a new teacher, and they HATED that he cared too much.

Some people don't know how to work together and help each other, help a fellow artist out with something they've been struggling with. That's how it should be, we all share our ways, help one another, instead of leaving others in the dirt struggling...

Anyway, thatls enough of a rant from me, here's some Gestures, I'm doing these in around 90 seconds each, to learn speed and thumb-nailing, something of which i struggle with.


Thursday 2 February 2017

Some Wierd Thing

Okay, well, I'm Trying to develop my own style, i want to be able to draw my own type of characters, rather than take something someone else has created and do my own version.

oh yeah, I've been watching a lot of JOJO, so, that's the left one for you.

Any who... i dunno, i dont really have much to say right now, maybe later on i'll find some words but for now, just enjoy this weird shit XD.

Daily Gestures 02

So, My scanner died. feels really bad. i don't know whats wrong with it or how to fix, it just wont connect to my pc so gonna have to deal with phone quality for awhile...

i apologize for being late too, I'm working with my friend who does web design to give this blog a more interesting look, so there's going to be a bit of a schedule delay (don't want to screw something up by posting)

Here is the second Gesture drawing set. its my hope that after about 20 or so that my drawings should be seeing an improvement.

 I'm tired of seeing my work in comparison to other peoples, i understand that what i draw is barely sub-par, so my entire theory on doing this blog, is to get better at my work, show others a journey from being meh to pretty good. I'm in no position to be able to give advice to anyone, if you want that, i can do my best for you guys, but, i just want to show people that i can do stuff.

What i lack in talent, i make up for in work ethic, and that's something that you cant really learn. Talent can be taught, that's easy to get, work ethic, I've seen many of my friends suffer because they either care for their work too much, leave everything to the last minute, or put it off completely.

  I've been listening to a lot of Gary Vaynerchek talks and, most of the time, he talks about three things. Self awareness, to be able to know who you are and what you are capable of. I know that my art needs A LOT of Work to be anywhere near good enough for the big wide world. all i want to do is draw. its my passion, and i want to make it in this industry.

Eat shit for a year or two, and you'll be set for the next few years
-Gary Vaynerchek

Wednesday 1 February 2017

Bud Starshield, Galactic Streaker?

Hey, at least i did something...
nono, this may be a bit weird but mah friends, i learned a crap tonne.

                        FIRST TIME USING SHADOWS IN FLASH!

                                AND HOLY CRAP

                        SYMBOLS AND TWEENING IS SO NICE TO USE :333

Ariel and Anime.

So i got bored one day and decided to draw something different, maybe a little cringe but hey, i don't give a crap. its one of those days where you draw, or try to, but nothing good comes out so you just say "Screw it" and go crazy on paper. and this is what turned out. its really plain and boring to me but, i love how i did the face, not trying to brag or anything but, i think how i made the lip kind of skew to the side was done alright. (took me a whole lotta erasing hehehe )

oh and here's a super 'special' sketch of Ariel. ;)

( Disregard the left one plzplzplz :"D )

Daily Gestures: 01

Okay, I finally have a schedule i'm going to keep to, Starting with this series, everyday, i will be doing Gesture Drawings,  and keeping them all on a separate page so later down the track, me and everyone can see my progress.

Then i will have two more posts, my last one will be what i have done as a days work, and the other one will just be a sketch or something i found interesting (or an experience etc)

So without any a due, here is the first Daily Gesture Post.

so, the entire point of this for me, is to loosen up my hand for a days work. (get the crap drawings out the way) but also, to hone up on something that i have a lot of problems with, posing. im hoping the more i draw gesture poses, the better i can get. doing these is really fun since there is no right and wrong its just, do it ( don't let your dreams be dreams)