Thursday 2 February 2017

Daily Gestures 02

So, My scanner died. feels really bad. i don't know whats wrong with it or how to fix, it just wont connect to my pc so gonna have to deal with phone quality for awhile...

i apologize for being late too, I'm working with my friend who does web design to give this blog a more interesting look, so there's going to be a bit of a schedule delay (don't want to screw something up by posting)

Here is the second Gesture drawing set. its my hope that after about 20 or so that my drawings should be seeing an improvement.

 I'm tired of seeing my work in comparison to other peoples, i understand that what i draw is barely sub-par, so my entire theory on doing this blog, is to get better at my work, show others a journey from being meh to pretty good. I'm in no position to be able to give advice to anyone, if you want that, i can do my best for you guys, but, i just want to show people that i can do stuff.

What i lack in talent, i make up for in work ethic, and that's something that you cant really learn. Talent can be taught, that's easy to get, work ethic, I've seen many of my friends suffer because they either care for their work too much, leave everything to the last minute, or put it off completely.

  I've been listening to a lot of Gary Vaynerchek talks and, most of the time, he talks about three things. Self awareness, to be able to know who you are and what you are capable of. I know that my art needs A LOT of Work to be anywhere near good enough for the big wide world. all i want to do is draw. its my passion, and i want to make it in this industry.

Eat shit for a year or two, and you'll be set for the next few years
-Gary Vaynerchek

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