Tuesday 31 January 2017

Bud Starshield Walk Cycle WIP.

 So im doing a walk cycle for my character Bud Starshield (by the way, its supposed to be really cheesy and bad :P ) and, unlike alot of my friends and people i know, i find these are quite fun to do.
I mean, instead of having to tap into alot of creativity, its more of a puzzle, which pieces go where. i like puzzles, theres an answer at the end, instead of it being open ended (to a degree)

   So i Started off here, just putting my pen to work. while drawing this i felt like something wasn't right, like, there was alot off (which there where ;) )  to be honest, i was trying to get personality down, Bud is really Cocky and Confident, so i wanted to make him run leaning  forward.

So Continuing on, i needed to understand the silhouette  and basic shapes of Bud, so my thinking, is i draw a flat run cycle, so i have the mechanics of running, but there was still something off about the run cycle that i couldn't quite pin the reason as to why...

 Muscles Galore! the fun part, adding all the big ass muscles onto bud, making the standard run cycle, into my character, it was alot of hard work, but it was worth it. Also, i figured out the problem i had been facing! i only did half the cycle, i forgot about his left leg part so that's why i found him to be hopping alot xD  I still have a bit to go, (Dreading lineart and colour :O ) but i cant wait.

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