Tuesday 8 December 2015


i did a fanart (or a fart as i like to call :"D) of oc's from another class's animation
i present to you clive and randy XD

*Koo koo Kawaii desu ne*

the satire is strong in this one.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Animation Trade Week 01

For the next two weeks we are doing an animation trade. all of our class's animation shots will be compiled into a credit sequence for a tv show pitch that another class has gibbon us.

here is a thumbnail for an action of what could take place, although i am quite stuck on what the action will be, but i am quite set on the take of two characters trying to touch eachother but they just go through each other


i was thinking of making the character the 'Perfect girl' created in an online game who comes to life. the character is a redesign of the main character. (unintentionally, this character started out as an OC of mine i created a few months ago and decided to use it for this assessment :"D )

(DISCLOSURE: i did not create 'Randy Hands' that was done by another student in the school.)

Monday 30 November 2015

mister scientist lloyd sir

heres a dialogue of a scientist speaking. this was for an assessment and i was quite happy with the outcome.

Friday 20 November 2015

Zim + on break + more posts coming soon.

i have been on a break for the past week. but i will have some stuff to post next week or possibly this weekend. i am going to be getting flash and photoshop at home so i will be able to produce more work and hopefully start up on my own projects too which will be sweet.

but here is a zim. i like zim. i did this awhile ago and unsure if i shown this before.

do you have those days where you look back and think you where better then than you are now? hahah!

Friday 6 November 2015

Comic Colour

so i finished the comic page. i think it looks pretty cool.here is a comparison from black and white to colour.

myself i prefer the black and white version but im biased towards graphic novels. i love the red of the inside of the alien though, it gives me a 70's horror feel to it.

General Patton Lip-Sync

i did this as a warm up exercise before the poisoning dialogue, its of general patton, all i did was choosing the mouth shapes and synced them to the dialogue. i think one of the tutors in my school did this animation itself which is why it looks really well done.

Dialogue Practice

i been doing some dialogue practice for school today, heres the planning thumbnails

i decided to use a mix between the last and third one

i think he was poisoned.  bloggers being a pain in the butt so i put in a gif incase the video doesnt work, unfortunately gifs don't have sound

Thursday 5 November 2015

Comic traditional.

here is a comic page i have been working on the past few weeks, i still have colouring and fixing up in Photoshop but here is the finished traditional work.
there is still text to put in and highlights too. i am happy with the work so far, its the best page i have done, especially with inking. i did a two week comic challenge which was about 18 pages which was no where near this quality.
this is the first page, it is very rough, and i feel like if i spent longer on this i would of made it really good. but i did work on this when i first started drawing and i can definitely see an improvement in my work.

Friday 30 October 2015


heres something that i made that tickled me

Cleaning Up After Others.

So this weeks animation exercise was a cleanup of rough animation of a bunny being cute. i didnt do the roughs although i wish i did as they are amazing drawings. they were incomplete images which made it a harder challenge. i did not get through all of the frames but the goal was to get at least the keys done which i did. i think i did an alright job, i kept the movement flowing and kept the volumes more or less the same. i just wished i had better lineart.

Friday 23 October 2015

Your Average Walk Cycle

This is my walk cycle i have been working on for this week, i think i did alright on it, i learned alot in doing this on how the body moves and had alot of good practice understanding the anatomy. the flaw of this is that i didnt make the head bob up and down as much but is a good lesson to learn for the next one i do. she does have a good walk which was the point of this so mission accomplished :D. 

and ill show off my planning here too

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Earthworm Jimmy.

in my spare time i drew an earthworm jim portrait. the one on the right is mine and the one on the left is my tutor thaw who gave me a good tip to practice, when you draw stuff from reference, draw the negative space instead of the actual object. a good way to make your brain stop recognising what it is is to flip the page.

Monday 19 October 2015


One of my friends wanted me to draw this character but she was so boring so i decided to have a little fun and basically recreate her. i wasnt going to use these colours but photoshop wasnt being nice so i just kept it.

Friday 16 October 2015

Special Effects! SFX

 So this week i have been doing some SFX animations.
I started off doing a mind map of what i could do and what story it could tell.

 i found a few ideas from this mind map quite interesting and sparked some motivation and so i went on to draw out some thumbnails of possibilities.
After i drew these out i started to realise that it would be quite difficult to animate some of the angles and SFX's so when i reached the animating part i tweaked the angles a bit. i decided to go with the second thumbnail because it was the one that i felt i could do the best in the required time-frame given.

these are my shots, was kind of a unneeded statement but anyway, i started the first one using a different angle but i made an accident that i will never make again, not saving. feeling quite bad at that point i decided to change the angle to something more simple, side on.

i feel like i did pretty alright, the strength of them is that you can tell what is going on. i had alot of fun doing the gore, i think you can tell that i did hahah. the weakness of this is that i believe the speedlines probably make the guy seem like he is going extremely fast.

Thursday 8 October 2015

Vykel Jump Animations

So i inbetweened my partners key frames.
i think its alright, i inbetweened the keys, which where pretty fun to do especially the leg break part.  although the rest of that part was kind of boring since it was basically the same angle and pose. i also did the background colouring.

And here is my keys that have been inbetweened by my partner and she did a pretty good job on them if i might add.

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Vykel Jump Planning + Keys

so i have been animating a jump for a character named Vykel, he is a viking with a very majestic nose. i started off doing a few rough drawings to get a feel for him and his shapes, then proceeded to do a few thumbnails and finding some reference pictures and videos.

and i have done my key animations.
this is my keys for my jump, i think this is good as it tells the story clearly, but i think the poses need to be clearer so that the jump looks nicer and more exaggerated. luckily this is just a rough so that if i decided to clean this up, i can do some changes to volumes, line thickness and the gestures, but in the timeframe i had i think that this is acceptable for my partner to inbetween.

Friday 2 October 2015

Hybrid creature

For this week and next week, i am working on a half animal half human hybrid. i have found my character and am pretty happy how she turned out. i had no idea how to do fur on photoshop and was quite the challenge. my character is half squirrel/chipmunk half human. i did the line work and was actually quite decent and can see myself improve looking back at these old blog posts.
and just for the fun of it ill show you all my concept stage!

SFX inbetweens

so i tried my hand at a few SFX inbetween animations and i think they are alright for a first go at them. turns out that they are pretty fun to do but can be a bit tedious aswell.

 the flames where a bit of a pain and im still not really happy with it, to me it looks a bit stagnant like its not moving up enough. i think it is because i have squashed it but not stretched it enough.my advice would be to look at a whole heap of  references of flames and how they move with the air around them

 i like this, i get a drawn feel from this. like its that music video from the eighties where that girl gets sucked into a comic.there are points in the cloud where it goes too fast. next time i would work on my timing of them and make sure that the cloud eases correctly.

the worst mind-numbing experience ever. the reason its flashing is because of the varied line-thickness. this was a good test to work on my line-art and see what i need to improve.
probably one of my better ones, again, i need to focus more on getting the line thickness correct to the keys. i think i got the timing correct on it.

and my favorite one, i like this one, i left the last frame half rain because i felt like it gave the lightning more of an impact

Elemental Creature Landscape

sorry it has been a while, been caught up in work and such, but, i give you precious's a lovely gift of my elemental creature in her natural landscape :P

Thursday 24 September 2015

Fairy Tail Weightlift

This week in my class we had to animate our Fairy Tail Character doing a weightlift so to start off with i gathered a few reference pictures and videos.

and so from these i did a mind map and some thumbnail sketches of angles and expressions of my character

after doing this i went into flash and animated it, the end result is pretty alright, i got what needed to be done, i would change alot about it like the hands and make the boulder look more, boulderish?  also make the lines look consistent in depth.

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Elemental Creature + comic convention

after deciding on my creatures look i started and finished rendering her. although i am not proficient at colouring (first time on PS/Ever) i think i did alright. its not highly detailed but it gets the job done, and i tell you what, having some knowledge of shadows really helps a character pop out. so here is a front and side view of her.

Later throughout this week i should have a background illustration done and posted, also i have my fairy tail character picking up a heavy object for you which i will post also nearer the end of this week.
in other news i am attending a comic convention as an exhibitor selling my rough comic at overload in NZ, just incase anyone wanted to come my name is inkneous. it was a challenge to create a 16 page comic in two weeks. ill post a few pages of my comic next week when i have a copy myself.

Friday 18 September 2015

Clean-Up Flour-Sack

This is my Cleaned-Up of the second shot of the keys and a few breakdowns. i feel that after i clean up the inbetweens, i need to go over another clean-up run to focus on keeping the volume and shape correct and making sure the lines are smooth and good.

And my First shot cleaned up a bit, i quite like it, basically i looped the jumping cycle and just moved it up the mountain, i think it worked quite well and saved me some time too!

Thursday 17 September 2015

Rough flour-sack Animation

Here is the rough of the second shot of the flour-sack animation. i like how the sack moves and i can feel that there is a character there. there are a few things that need fixing and a few inbetweens that i missed but i will fix them while cleaning up. (if you have two sacks of flour what do you have?)

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Elemental Creatures

Ok so today i have been creating some elemental creatures and have come up with this type, she is a creature of pure symbiotic energy, i have three developments of the characters. i quite like the first two and i am going to mix them both together to create the one i have in my head.